Smart and successful inventors not only learn from their own repeated mistakes, but from those who went before them.

Try, Try again

Just about everyone is familiar with the famous quotation by Thomas Edison that “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

What's your big idea?

Welcome to Idea Now!

The place that can help turn your dreams into reality.

Now that you’ve found us, we’d like to know...

Did that lightbulb just go off in your head, or has it been on high intensity for a while now, keeping you up nights, burning with that passion for your BIG idea – THE innovative product, services or invention that could change the marketplace – or even the world – but, most importantly, your life.

Well, Idea Now can help you get that light outside of your own head – out from under that bushel – and focus its beam just like a laser, illuminating every step in the process that will take your idea from pipedream conception to marketplace success.